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Fig. 21 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 21

From: Reconstructing the neuromuscular ground pattern of phylactolaemate bryozoans: new data from the Lophopodidae

Fig. 21

Details of the epistome of Lophopodella carteri. A–D Longitudinal (A, B) and cross (C, D) sections of the lophophoral base showing a comparatively small, dome-shaped epistome with transversal epistome muscles within its coelomic cavity. Muscles are also embedded in its epithelial linings (A). Two prominent epistomial horns extend from the cerebral ganglion (B) and ascend laterally of the epistome coelom canal (C, D). In the ganglion and the epistomial horns, an extensive lumen is evident (B). E Lateral view from the lophophoral base showing the cerebral ganglion located beneath the epistome and the ciliated forked canal supplying a tentacle of the lophophoral concavity. F Anal projection of the epistome musculature stained for f-actin showing transversal and basket like epistome muscles and a pair of retractor muscle bundles inserting at the lophophoral base, anally of the epistome. a anus, cg cerebral ganglion, ci cilia, ec epistome coelom, ecc epistome coelom canal, emb epistome muscle basket, emt transversal muscles of the epistome, ep epistome, fc forked canal, gl ganglion lumen, gh ganglionic horns, ghl lumen of the epistome / ganglion horns, lac lophophore arm coelom, mo mouth opening, ot oral tentacles, ph pharynx, phl pharynx lumen, rc ring canal, rm retractor muscles, t tentacle, tc tentacle coelom, tmr tentacle muscle roots

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