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Fig. 10 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 10

From: Reconstructing the neuromuscular ground pattern of phylactolaemate bryozoans: new data from the Lophopodidae

Fig. 10

Musculature of the epistome of Asajirella gelatinosa, stained for f-actin. A Oral view of the lophophore base with the epistome muscles above the mouth opening. The circular muscles of the pharynx are displayed with the prominent retractor muscles in front. B Detailed oral view of the epistome with a peripheral muscular basket and central traverse muscle fibres. C Anal view of the epistome with the peripheral muscle basket of and comparatively thick traversing muscles in the center. Musculature of the tentacles in the lophophoral concavity are associated with traverse epistome muscles. D Vibratome section of the lophophoral base. The epistome appears as bulge at the anal side of the mouth. Thick muscle bundles project in the direction of the anus (arrows). afmb abfrontal tentacle muscle base, em epistome musculature, emb epistome muscle basket, emt traverse muscles of the epistome, ep epistome, fm frontal tentacle muscle, fmb frontal tentacle muscle base, mo mouth opening, ot oral tentacles, phm pharynx musculature, rm retractor muscle

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