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Fig. 4 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 4

From: Comparative genomic analysis reveals contraction of gene families with putative roles in pathogenesis in the fungal boxwood pathogens Calonectria henricotiae and C. pseudonaviculata

Fig. 4

Pathogen host interactions (PHI) annotations for rapidly evolving gene families in the genomes of the boxwood blight pathogens Calonectria henricotiae and C. pseudonaviculata, saprobic Calonectria species, pathogenic Calonectria species, and non-Calonectria Buxaceae pathogens. A Percentage of annotated protein sequences from nine species searched against the PHI database from each rapidly evolving gene family with effector (E), loss of pathogenicity (LOP) and reduced virulence (RV) phenotypes. B Gene families containing PHI annotations and direction of rapid evolution (rapid expansion, rapid contraction, not rapidly evolving)

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