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Fig. 4 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 4

From: A second view on the evolution of flight in stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea)

Fig. 4

Phasmatodean phylogenetic relationships and reconstruction of wing states. The phylogeny is based on the Bayesian analysis using constraints (B2) and branches are coloured based on the results of the ancestral state reconstruction of male wings (Additional file 1: Fig. S4; see also Figs. S1–S3 and S5). Branch colour for unknown states corresponds to the most likely state of the parent node. Pie charts on major nodes show the probabilities for the ancestral state. The presence of ocelli is highlighted in yellow at the tips. EUPHAS, Euphasmatodea; NEOPHAS, Neophasmatodea; Occidoph, Occidophasmata; Orioph, Oriophasmata; T, Timematodea; ASCH, Aschiphasmatidae; A, Agathemeridae; PSEU, Pseudophasmatidae; HN, Heteronemiinae; DIAPH, Diapheromerinae; HET, Heteropterygidae; GRA, Gratidiidae sensu Cliquennois [70]; BAC, Bacillinae sensu Cliquennois [70]; CLI, Clitumninae sensu Cliquennois [70]; AFR/MAD, African/Malagasy group including Achriopteridae, Anisacanthidae, Antongiliidae, Damasippoididae and Xylicinae sensu Cliquennois [70]; PHYLL, Phylliidae; PHA, Pharnaciinae + Prosentoria; P, Palophidae; CLA, Cladomorphinae; X, Xenophasmina; ST, Stephanacridini; LANCEO, Lanceocercata; LONCH, Lonchodinae; NEC, Necrosciinae

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