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Fig. 5 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 5

From: Origin and cross-century dynamics of an avian hybrid zone

Fig. 5

Estimates of population sizes over time obtained using the extended Bayesian skyline plot method applied to cytochrome b sequence data suggest demographic expansion towards the present in R. flammigerus. In each plot, median and credibility interval values are shown in black solid line and dashed lines, respectively. Blue lines correspond to 1000 genealogies used to estimate the 95% highest posterior density of population sizes. Bars in the histograms are proportional to the number of genealogies with values in the specific time interval. Analyses are shown for (a) all specimens (including flammigerus, icteronotus and intermediate individuals) and separately for specimens assignable to (b) icteronotus and (c) flammigerus. Although scenarios of no population change cannot be rejected for all individuals and for icteronotus, constant population size is firmly rejected for flammigerus, which shows strong evidence for demographic expansion

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