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Figure 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 3

From: Molecular phylogenetics and evolutionary history of ariid catfishes revisited: a comprehensive sampling

Figure 3

BI phylogeny of 124 arioid species derived from the mitochondrial dataset (2866 bp). Fifty percent majority rule consensus on ~2.15 × 105 post-burn-in trees (mean lnL-52160). (A) cladogram; thicker branches indicate clades that are congruent with MP and ML (Garli and RAxML) analyses. Asterisks (*) designate clade support (see also Additional file 2); capital letters indicate nodes referred in text and Additional file 2 (symbols and letters always on left of nodes); vertical bars indicate subfamilial divisions and distribution of major ariine groups. Generic placement for New World and Old World ariines follows Betancur-R. et al. [19] and Marceniuk and Menezes [21], respectively. Colored taxa indicate non-monophyletic genera validated by Marceniuk and Menezes (yellow and red taxa correspond to Notarius and Sciades sensu [21], respectively). Two letter country codes follow ISO-3166. (B) phylogram (Ariidae only) elucidating the short internodes at the base of the Ariinae and the rate variation across lineages (taxon arrangement follows the same order in both figures). Gray dots indicate long branches in N. lentiginosus (left) and H. sagor (right).

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