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Table 2 Mean perithecial production for matings between all combinations of the 4 two-locus genotypes.

From: Divergent adaptation promotes reproductive isolation among experimental populations of the filamentous fungus Neurospora


Male genotype

Female genotype

dfe d dma d

dfe d dma n

dfe n dma d

dfe n dma n

dfe d dma d

0.25 (0.05)

3.79 (0.20)

0.27 (0.05)

3.58 (0.36)

dfe d dma n

0.28 (0.07)

3.09 (0.50)

0.31 (0.06)

3.58 (0.31)

dfe n dma d

4.10 (0.18)

3.27 (0.17)

3.69 (0.20)

3.46 (0.19)

dfe n dma n

4.33 (0.41)

4.00 (0.71)

3.73 (0.85)

4.30 (0.37)

  1. Each cell of the matrix contains the mean number of perithecia produced per mm2 (± standard error). n = 4 (2 mat A/mat a reciprocal matings, 2 replicates each). Bold values indicate genotype combinations that displayed the incompatibility phenotype.