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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: Hydrocarbon divergence and reproductive isolation in Timemastick insects

Figure 2

Inferred species phylogeny (based on 1879 bp concatenated nuclear and mitochondrial sequences) and hydrocarbon profiles for each species. The height of the bars in each profile indicates the average relative amounts of the different hydrocarbon sets (left to right): 13Me27, 9Me27 + 11Me27, 7Me27, 5Me27 and 3Me27 (see footnote in Table 3). The components 3Me27 and 13Me27 are characterized by strong phylogenetic autocorrelation (see text for details). Because in T. chumash, individuals from the two analyzed populations profiles are characterized by highly divergent hydrocarbon profiles, separate profiles are depicted for each population (left: population HW2, right: ED). Populations are pooled for the other species’ profiles. Numbers associated with branches in the phylogeny indicate branch support values (bootstraps) from the ML and parsimony analyzes, as well as Bayesian posterior probabilities, respectively.

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