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Fig. 20 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 20

From: Reconstructing the neuromuscular ground pattern of phylactolaemate bryozoans: new data from the Lophopodidae

Fig. 20

Histological details of the lophophoral base of Lophopus crystallinus. A, B Two different cross sections of the ganglion and epistome horns showing a large ganglion located between the pharynx the intestine. The ganglion and epistomial horns show a rather spacious lumen. C Sagittal section of the lophophoral base showing a small dome-shaped epistome. cc coelom cavity, cg cerebral ganglion, con circumoral nerve ring, ec epistome coelom, eh epistomial horns, ep epistome, gl ganglion lumen, int intestine, mo mouth opening, ph pharynx, phl pharynx lumen, rc ring canal, tc tentacle coelom

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