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Fig. 17 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 17

From: Reconstructing the neuromuscular ground pattern of phylactolaemate bryozoans: new data from the Lophopodidae

Fig. 17

Histological details of the apertural area of Lophopodella carteri. A Lateral view of a half-retracted lophophore with the cerebral ganglion in the proximal region of the lophophore base. On the anal side, the epistome coelom canal, the forked canal, and the coelom of the lophophoral arms are visible. B Oblique section through the apertural area shows epidermal gland cells around the orifice. Compact duplicature bands connect the body wall and tentacle sheath. C, D Lateral view of the distal part of the zooid in retracted (C) and half-retracted condition (D). The tentacle sheath is rather thick (C) and includes several epidermal gland cells (D). Duplicatur bands connect the tentacle sheath to the body wall, vestibulum dilatators travers the coelomic cavity more distally to the duplicature bands, connecting the vestibular wall and body wall. E, F Histological details of the body wall and distal zooidal area. The epidermis includes vacuolated epidermal gland cells followed by a thin peritoneum. Several coelomocytes are seen in the distal zooidal area. cc coelom cavity, cg cerebral ganglion, clc coelomocytes, cm circular muscles, db duplicature bands, ec epistome coelom, ecc epistome coelom canal, ed epidermis, egl epidermal gland cells, emt transversal muscles of the epistome, fc forked canal, lac lophophore arm coelom, lm longitudinal muscles, o orifice, p peritoneum, rc ring canal, t tentacle, tc tentacle coelom, ts tentacle sheath, vd vestibulum dilatators, vw vestibular wall

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