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Fig. 3 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 3

From: Nutrition or nature: using elementary flux modes to disentangle the complex forces shaping prokaryote pan-genomes

Fig. 3

Evolutionary landscape of possible pan-reactome reaction frequencies and metabolite usage profiles based on sampling panEFMs in 1000 random environments. A UMAP projection of reaction frequencies in the collection of panEFMs sampled from different prokaryotic families (Table S2). Each smaller point represents the reaction frequency distribution calculated from 1000 panEFMs sampled in one random environment. The large dots are the frequencies observed in the natural pan-reactomes. B UMAP projection of the metabolite usage profiles obtained from the same panEFMs projected in A. The large dots are the elastic net (EN) predictions of these profiles that were predicted from the natural pan-reactomes reaction frequencies. The ENs were trained on the sampled panEFMs (Table S5)

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