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Fig. 2 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 2

From: The evolutionary history of cribellate orb-weaver capture thread spidroins

Fig. 2

Cribellar spidroin (CrSp) structure of Uloborus diversus. A Schematic of CrSp repeat region organization and its three repeat types. Conserved spidroin amino and carboxyl terminal region are shown as N- and C-, respectively (blue boxes). Double forward slashes indicate missing data. Numbered boxes represent repeat module types. Scale bar indicates 100 amino acids. B Consensus sequences of the three repeat module types indicated by single-letter amino acid abbreviations. Abundant CrSp amino acids highlighted as follows: alanine (red), serine (purple), glutamic acid (orange). Multiple sequence alignment of CrSp conserved C N-terminal and D C-terminal regions of the cribellate species U. diversus, Octonoba sybotides, Stegodyphus mimosarum, Badumna longinqua, and Tengella perfuga. See Additional file 3: Tables S3 and S4 for name and sequence information. Bold and grey shaded amino acids are conserved > 75% across species. Total amino acid number shown on the right. Dashes indicate alignment gaps

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