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Table 3 Explanation of eight pollination syndrome characters coded as A, B and/or C

From: Reconstructing an historical pollination syndrome: keel flowers


Character state

Inflorescence type

A = Sequenced inflorescences (i.e., vertical inflorescences): raceme, panicle, spike, thyrse

B = Cluster type inflorescences (i.e., horizontal inflorescences): umbel, cyme, corymb, head, spike, fascicle

C = Solitary flowers

Habit type

A = Tall plants: tree, climber, liana, vine, scrambler

B = Medium plants: shrub, subshrub

C = Small plants: herb

Androecium type

A = Free stamens

B = Fused stamens

C = Polymorphic

Presence or absence of three types of petals (or petals+sepals in Polygalaceae),


B = NO

C = The presence or absence of only two types of petals (or petals+sepals in Polygalaceae)

Presence or absence of a pentamerous corolla (pentamerous petals+sepals in Polygalaceae)


B = NO


Presence or absence of enclosed reproductive organs


B = NO


Presence or absence of a bilateral symmetry

A = Radial symmetry (including slightly bilateral symmetry)

B = Bilateral symmetry


Keeled or not keeled

A = Keeled

B = Non-keeled