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Fig. 6 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 6

From: 18S rRNA variability maps reveal three highly divergent, conserved motifs within Rotifera

Fig. 6

Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of the 18S rDNA sequences examined in this study using RAxML v8.2.12 [60]. The analysis consisted of a fast bootstrap search followed by a thorough search for the maximum-likelihood topology [61] under a GTR + Γ model, with the gamma distribution being approximated initially through a CAT model [62]. The tree was rooted on Calicophoron calicophorum. Values above selected nodes represent bootstrap support [63] and the scale bar represents the average number of substitutions per site per unit time. Species names have been removed for clarity and the major clades are labeled as well as colour-coded (green, Bdelloidea; red, Monogononta; blue, Seisonacea; black, Acanthocephala)

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