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Fig. 6 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 6

From: Museomics and phylogenomics with protein-encoding ultraconserved elements illuminate the evolution of life history and phallic morphology of flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)

Fig. 6

Evolution of the number of styli and diversification of Sarcophagidae. a Top panel shows ancestral character state reconstruction for the number of styli using maximum likelihood and the rayDISC function in the R package corHMM. Only reconstruction of the best fitting model (model ER) is shown. Pie proportions represent state probabilities estimated for each internal node. Character states are indicated in inset inside panel. Capital letters indicate nodes discussed in the main text. b BAMM analysis on the chronogram resulting from calibration analysis of the ASTRAL-III species tree estimated from the dataset having 2018 UCE loci coded as nucleotides (topology A) using makeChronosCalib in the R package ape and using clade-specific sampling probabilities (Additional file 15) to account for incomplete sampling based on species estimates. Phylorate graph showing the mean marginal posterior density of speciation rates, an increase in estimated speciation rate indicated with a semi-transparent black circle, and the highest rate increase indicated with an asterisk (*). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article)

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