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Fig. 5 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 5

From: Museomics and phylogenomics with protein-encoding ultraconserved elements illuminate the evolution of life history and phallic morphology of flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)

Fig. 5

Evolution of the shape of connection between basi- and distiphallus of Sarcophagidae. Ancestral character state reconstructions for shape of connection between basi- and distiphallus using maximum likelihood and the rayDISC function in the R package corHMM. Only the reconstruction of the best fitting model (model ER) is shown. Pie proportions represent state probabilities estimated for each internal node. Character states are indicated in inset inside tree panel. Capital letters on the tree indicate nodes discussed in the main text. Insets at right showing the phallus in left lateral view with arrows indicating the connection between basi- and distiphallus of a Lepidodexia (Notochaeta) woodi; b Udamopyga neivai; c Microcerella spinigena; d Ravinia sp.; e Oxysarcodexia angrensis; f Sarcofahrtiopsis (Pacatuba) matthewsi. a, c, d, and e courtesy of Dr. M. Giroux. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article)

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