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Table 2 Analysis of Courtship Success and Time to Courtship by Male Species, Crossing Type, and Male-like Female CHC Category

From: Influence of female cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profile on male courtship behavior in two hybridizing field crickets Gryllus firmus and Gryllus pennsylvanicus


Female CHC Category

Courtship Success Odds Ratio (95% CI)

Courtship Time Hazard Ratio (95% CI)

Conspecific Pairs

 Male Species: GF

ML v. Not ML

0.781 (0.337, 1.673)

1.176 (0.858, 1.613)

 Male Species: GP

ML v. Not ML

0.957 (0.496, 1.846)

0.910 (0.645, 1.283)

Heterospecific Pairs

 Male Species: GF

ML v. Not ML

2.583 (1.314, 5.079)

1.610 (1.166, 2.222)

 Male Species: GP

ML v. Not ML

1.165 (0.604, 2.247)

1.039 (0.731, 1.478)

Random Intercepts

Binomial Logistic Mixed Effects Estimated SD

Cox Proportional Hazard Mixed Effects Estimated SD

Male ID



  1. Binomial logistic mixed effects regression analysis of courtship success odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals and the estimated standard deviations of random intercepts are reported for males. Cox proportional hazard mixed effects hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals and the estimated standard deviations of random intercepts for males. Hazard ratios are interpreted as the relative courtship rate at a time t of one group as compared to another. For example, at any point in the trial, G. firmus males are 1.610 more likely to start courting with a heterospecific females with a male-like (ML) CHC profile then females with any other CHC profile