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Fig. 4 | BMC Ecology and Evolution

Fig. 4

From: MHC class I evolution; from Northern pike to salmonids

Fig. 4

Comparison of L lineage regions from salmonids and Northern pike. Genomic regions containing L lineage genes clustering in phylogenetic analyses and based on regional orthology. Genes represented by boxes are colour shaded as follows: red boxes are L lineage genes, green boxes are flanking genes found in most regions and grey boxes are other genes. Additional colour shading is used for regions from each species. Regional location is shown on the side of each region and species and chromosome when available is shown below. Details of unplaced scaffolds can be found in Additional file 3. Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout genes are on homeolog chromosomes (see Additional file 1), orthology to brown trout chromosomes is undefined and regions from the remaining species are all unplaced scaffolds (NW), thus proving no informative on orthology. Pseudogenes are shown using ψ while partial genes are shown using a pt name extension. Many genes have the extension _L for _like as they need further phylogenetic and functional studies to warrant a definite gene name.

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