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Fig. 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 2

From: Impact of transition to a subterranean lifestyle on morphological disparity and integration in talpid moles (Mammalia, Talpidae)

Fig. 2

a. Landmarks and semi-landmarks digitized on the humerus in caudal norm: 1) lateral end of greater tuberosity; 2) articular facet of clavicula; 3) proximal edge of the articular facet of clavicula; 4) bicipital notch; 5) proximal end of lesser tuberosity; 6) medial edge of minor tuberosity; 7) lateral edge of lesser tuberosity; 8) bicipital ridge; 9) middle point of bicipital tunnel; 10) lateral end of scalopine ridge; 11) proximal end of teres tubercle; 12–14) surface of teres tubercle; 15) distal end of teres tubercle; 16–18) minor sulcus; 19) posterior margin of lateral epicondyle; 21–22) lateral epicondyle; 22–24) trochlear area; 25–27) medial epicondyle; 28) posterior margin of medial epicondyle; 29–32) greater sulcus; 33–36) humeral head. Scale bar is 1 mm. b. Landmarks and semi-landmarks digitized on the mandible. 1) Anterior tip; 2) anterior end of p4; 3) anterior end of m1; 4) posterior end of m3; 5–9) anterior profile of the coronoid process; 10–13) profile of the condyle of coronoid process; 14–17) posterior profile of the coronoid process; 18–24) condylar process; 25–30) profile of the angular process; 31–38) profile of the orizontal ramus. Scale bar is 1 mm

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