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Fig. 7 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 7

From: Patterns of conservation of spliceosomal intron structures and spliceosome divergence in representatives of the diplomonad and parabasalid lineages

Fig. 7

Comparison of spliceosomal protein retention patterns. Retention patterns of spliceosomal proteins compared in Venn diagrams. For (a)., proteins found in organism compared against X/Y where X = proteins found in both K (K = K. bialata) and M (M = Monocercomonoides sp. PA203), and Y = proteins found in either K or M. For (b)., proteins in organism (or group of organisms for G/T/S where G = G. lamblia S = S. salmonicida, T = Trepomonas sp. PC1.) compared against X/Y, but here X = proteins found in H. sapiens, S. cerevisiae, and A. thaliana and Y = proteins found in any combination of the two: Hs and Sc, Hs and At, or Sc and At

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