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Fig. 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 1

From: From ground pools to treeholes: convergent evolution of habitat and phenotype in Aedes mosquitoes

Fig. 1

The maximum likelihood phylogeny from our analysis of the Aedini from seven markers, rendered ultrametric with chronos from the R package APE. Habitat transitions and putative ancestral character states from one of our stochastic character maps are presented. SH-like branch support values above 80 are shown as numbers on branches, while circles at nodes indicate posterior probabilities of a given habitat type. Scale is in millions of years. Horizontal bars near tips indicate invasive species, from top to bottom: Ae. (Hulecoeteomyia) japonicus, Ae. (Hulecoeteomyia) koreicus, Ae. (Georgecraigius) atropalpus, Ae. (Rampamyia) notoscriptus, Ae. (Stegomyia) albopictus, and Ae. (Stegomyia) aegypti. Boxes at tips indicate current habitat type; tips with multi-color boxes are taxa with more than one habitat specialization. Aedes is not monophyletic, invasive taxa are not monophyletic, and all non-Psorophora aedines fall into two large clades, here called Clade A and Clade B. Genera violating the monophyly of Aedes are shown with red labels. Bolded taxa are represented by more than one marker in our phylogenetic analysis

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