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Fig. 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 1

From: Expression and phylogenetic analyses reveal paralogous lineages of putatively classical and non-classical MHC-I genes in three sparrow species (Passer)

Fig. 1

Maximum likelihood tree based on 94 MHC class I exon 3 nucleotide sequences from house sparrows (Pado; indicated in green), Spanish sparrows (Pahi; indicated in orange) and tree sparrows (Pamo; indicated in purple) amplified with primer combination 1. One MHC class I sequence (Acc nr KU169762) from Lanius collaris was used as outgroup. The tree was constructed with the RAxML software (version 7.0.4) using the GTRGAMMA model and 1000 bootstraps, displaying bootstrap values larger than 70%. Stars (*) indicates alleles that were found in both gDNA and cDNA (i.e. expressed alleles). The classical alleles that were identified as highly expressed are marked in bold and italic. All putatively non-classical alleles are found in the lower cluster, with no clustering based on species, whereas the putatively classical alleles do not form a distinct cluster

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