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Fig. 6 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 6

From: Divergent evolutionary and epidemiological dynamics of cassava mosaic geminiviruses in Madagascar

Fig. 6

Maximum clade credibility tree constructed from the ACMV core CP dataset. Branches are coloured according to the most probable location state of the node on their right (i.e., the likely geographical location of the ancestral sequence represented by this node). The time-scale of evolutionary changes represented in the tree is indicated by the scale bar above it. Whereas filled circles that are associated with nodes indicate >95 % posterior probability support for the branches to their left, open circles indicate nodes with >70 % posterior support for these branches. Nodes to the right of branches with <70 % support are left unlabelled. The bar graph indicates location probabilities of the node at the root of the tree (i.e., the most recent common ancestor of all the sequences represented in the tree). Grey bars represent the probabilities obtained with randomization of the tip locations. The probable introduction event from Africa to Madagascar is indicated with a blue arrow

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