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Fig. 7 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 7

From: Retracing the path of planar cell polarity

Fig. 7

Bona fide Flamingo proteins discovered in the Oscarella genus (Homoscleromorpha) and in Trichoplax adhaerens (Placozoa). Orthologous protein abbreviations. Celsr, Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor; Stan, Starry night. Species abbreviations. Bilateria: Dm, Drosophila melanogaster and Mm, Mus musculus. Cnidaria: Ch, Clytia hemisphaerica. Placozoa: Trichoplax adhaerens. Porifera: Aq, Amphimedon queenslandica; Oc, Oscarella carmela; Ol, Oscarella lobularis and Sc, Sycon ciliatum. Scale: 200 amino-acids

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