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Table 1 Best-fitting general linear models to predict sperm morphological traits. Predictors (but not the intercept) are listed for each model. Estimates with 95 % CLs that do not include zero are significant predictors (bold). See Additional file 2: Table S1 for all top models (ΔAICc < 2) predicting each response variable

From: Extensive variation in sperm morphology in a frog with no sperm competition



Estimate [95 % CL]

total sperm length (R2 = 0.21)

date 2

−0.15 [−0.22, −0.08]



36.7 [18.9, 54.6]


body condition (SMI)

−9.74 [−19.1, −0.38]

sperm head length (R2 = 0.06)


−0.07 [−0.13, −0.008]

sperm head perimeter (R2 = 0.07)

date 2

−0.0005 [−0.0009, −0.0000023]


body size (PC1)

0.51 [−0.17, 1.18]