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Fig. 4 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 4

From: Evolutionary history exposes radical diversification among classes of interaction partners of the MLLE domain of plant poly(A)-binding proteins

Fig. 4

Phylogeny of CID A proteins. The PAE1 sequence LOGO (LOGO #A1) and the complete polypeptide sequence were used to obtain the trees. The topology was generated using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method. CID A2 class is point out in a gray circular line. Branch for groups of organisms were named with the subclass code followed by a letter. Branch color codes: eudicots, dark green; monocots, light green; Brassicaceae (Brass), blue; the basals Selaginella moellendorffii and Physcomitrella patens (Bas), red; Amborella trichopoda (atr), purple; Spirodela polyrhiza (spo), mustard yellow. The positions of the two A. thaliana paralogs, CID1, and CID2 are shown. (*) are in dissimilar places in both trees: aco|Aquilegia coerulea Aquca 005 00211.1, ccl|Citrus clementina Ciclev10032949m, csi|Citrus sinensis orange1.1g031370m. Species and gene names are as presented in the rectangular phylogeny in Additional file 5. Trees generated using MP and ML are displayed in Additional file 6

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