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Fig. 8 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Fig. 8

From: Characterization of the doublesex gene within the Culex pipiens complex suggests regulatory plasticity at the base of the mosquito sex determination cascade

Fig. 8

Ka/Ks graph. Graphical representation of Ka (top), Ks (middle) and Ka/Ks (bottom) values calculated for male-specific Cx. quinquefasciatus / Cx. pipiens form pipiens doublesex pairwise codon alignment. Values are recalculated for each 30 nucleotide (10 amino acid) window, which slides 3 nt (1 AA) at a time. Numbers on the x-axis denote the coordinate of the central nucleotide in the window. Ka/Ks values were truncated at a maximal value of six for display purposes. The common portion of the transcript ends and male-specific sequence begins with the window centered at nucleotide position 735

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