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Figure 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 3

From: Five major shifts of diversification through the long evolutionary history of Magnoliidae (angiosperms)

Figure 3

Chronogram of the angio-140 analysis obtained with BEAST. Maximum clade credibility tree obtained with BEAST and the maximum age constraint for the crown node of angiosperms set to 140 million years. Node bars are 95% credibility intervals. Blue dots symbolize minimum age constraints, and green dots the maximum age constraints applied to crown eudicots and crown angiosperms. The geologic time scale follows Gradstein et al. [39]. Abbreviations: Oligo., Oligocene; Mio., Miocene; Plio., Pliocene; Win., Winteraceae; Can., Canellaceae; Ari., Aristolochiaceae (incl. Lactoris); Sau., Saururaceae; Pip., Piperaceae; Cal., Calycanthaceae; Ath., Atherospermataceae; Her., Hernandiaceae; Lau., Lauraceae; Mon., Monimiaceae; Myr., Myristicaceae; Deg., Degeneriaceae; Him., Himantandraceae; Mag., Magnoliaceae; Eup., Eupomatiaceae; Ann., Annonaceae.

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