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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: Insights into the evolution of the snail superfamily from metazoan wide molecular phylogenies and expression data in annelids

Figure 2

Phylogenetic analysis of snail and scratch families. Trees were taken from BI analyses and rooted using CG15269 proteins as outgroup. (A) Green dots are placed on nodes supported by more than 95% in all different methods of phylogenetic reconstruction, yellow dots highlight support over 70%, purple dots over 50% and black dots below 50% but found in all reconstructions. (+) indicates that this group is not supported in the MP tree. (*) indicates that Trichoplax adhaerens Snail was not associated to the cnidarians Snail proteins in the NJ tree. Three poorly supported groups were colored: in purple a group that includes all the vertebrate sequences, in blue all the protostome proteins, and in green the non-bilaterian sequences. (B) Green dots highlight nodes with over 97% statistical support, yellow over 80%, and purple over 60%. (+) indicates a node where the NJ support value was 54%, (*) points to a node where the MP statistical support was 45%.

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