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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Primate-specific spliced PMCHL RNAs are non-protein coding in human and macaque tissues

Figure 1

Identification of spliced PMCHL transcripts. (A) PMCHL exon/intron structure as deduced from previous [19] and present transcript sequences. Primer positions are indicated. (B) Identification of alternative spliced transcripts by PCR and sequencing. For human testis, transcripts harbouring exons 1 and 6a were amplified using primer pair 3–9/3–30, and transcripts harbouring exons 1 and 6b were amplified using primer pair 3–9/3–353, followed by 3–10/3–353. For human fetal brain, PCR primer pairs were 3–7/3–30, followed by 3–8/3–27. Documented ESTs [GenBank:AI203691; EMBL:BX091674; GenBank:AA724728; GenBank:BG184695] corresponding to spliced transcripts are represented. The number of independent clones for each transcript identified in our previous [19] and present studies are indicated in brackets. The 3b splice donor site differs in PMCHL1 (named 3b1) and PMCHL2 (named 3b2). Two 5b splice acceptor sites (indicated by t/b), separated by four nucleotides, were identified. GenBank accession numbers of transcripts are: [GenBank:EU921424, GenBank:EU921425, GenBank:EU921426, GenBank:EU921427, GenBank:EU921428, GenBank:EU921429, GenBank:EU921430, GenBank:EU921431, GenBank:EU921432, GenBank:EU921433, GenBank:EU921434, GenBank:EU921435, GenBank:EU938381]. (C) RT-PCR and Southern blot analysis of spliced transcripts in human and macaque adult testis, prefrontal cortex (CX) and cerebellum (CB). Spliced transcripts were detected only in human testis. PCR amplification was with primer pair 3–7/3–30. Molecular weights are indicated. M, size markers; RT, reverse transcribed; NRT, non-reverse transcribed.

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