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Table 3 Homogeneity Test of Data Partitions Based on Sequenced Region and Genome

From: Independent Origins of New Sex-Linked Chromosomes in the melanica and robusta Species Groups of Drosophila


P (PIS) Ingroup only

P (PIS) Including outgroups

Between Mt genes (CoI vs CoII)

0.789 (43)

0.960 (64)

Between nuclear genes (cac vs sc)

0.918 (110)

0.056 (347) *

Mt vs nuclear genes

0.799 (153)

0.879 (411)

Among all genes (CoI, CoII, cac, sc)

0.885 (153)

0.124 (411)

  1. Note: The asterisk indicates marginal significant difference among the phylogenetic signals from the respective partition. P and PIS indicates probability derived from the homogeneity test and number of parsimony-informative sites, respectively.