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Figure 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 3

From: ITS2 data corroborate a monophyletic chlorophycean DO-group (Sphaeropleales)

Figure 3

Neighbour-joining phylogeny of the Chlorophyceae based on comparison of ITS2 rRNA sequences and structures. The tree is unrooted, but the 'Oedogonium' clade is most likely appropriate as outgroup [56]. Sequences of the 'Sphaeroplea' clade were sequenced for this study and shown in bold letters. The phylogenetic tree is calculated by neighbour-joining with PAUP* [46, 43] for an alignment with 52 taxa and 479 characters. The substitution model was set to TVM+I+G with parameters estimated by Modeltest [42]. Bootstrap values of basal branches are given for profile neighbour-joining with predefined profiles (ProfDist with ITS2 substitution model) [51, 31]. Branch thickness is dependant of Bootstrap values calculated with four distance methods: neighbour-joining (PAUP*), neighbour-joining, complete profile neighbour-joining and sequence-structure profile neighbour-joining (all three ProfDist with ITS2 substitution model).

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