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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Genetic tests of ancient asexuality in Root Knot Nematodes reveal recent hybrid origins

Figure 1

Allele and species trees under differing modes of reproduction. The diagram illustrates the similarity of (A) ancient asexuality (B) recent interspecific hybridization followed by apomictic reproduction in terms of "paralogous" segregation of alleles, and large allele sequence divergence (ASD) in asexual versus sexual species. Hatching denotes the action of recombination. Panel B shows a subset of possible diploid hybrid apomicts from two independent hybridization events. Triploid hybrids would show a mixture of large and small ASD within the same individual. The two hybrid apomicts shown possess some identical alleles between species, while exhibiting large ASD in the same individual. Parts of 1A redrawn from [7].

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