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Figure 3 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 3

From: Habitat shifts in the evolutionary history of a Neotropical flycatcher lineage from forest and open landscapes

Figure 3

Bayesian tree of the concatenated dataset; numbers at nodes indicate parsimony bootstrap (BS; left) and Bayesian posterior probability (PP; multiplied by 100; right) values; bold numbers indicate equal support by both types of analysis; only values of BS > 50 and PP > 80 are shown; thick branches additionally received high support in Fib5 analyses (BS > 80; PP = 100, except for the node uniting all three E. [o.] obscura, which only received a PP = 96); numbered cross-bars at nodes refer to parsimony-informative Fib5 indels mapped onto tree: 1.) 10-bp insertion, 2.) 1-bp deletion, 3.) 1-bp insertion, 4.) 1-bp deletion.

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