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Table 5 Statistical tests of differences in turning angle between males and females.

From: Quantitative analysis of changes in movement behaviour within and outside habitat in a specialist butterfly


Null hypothesis tested

Test name

Test statistic



Test Ia

Uniform vs unimodal distribution with mean m = 0: females

Modified Rayleigh test for uniformity against a unimodal alternative with mean = 0

R = 0.602

< 0.0001

[55] (p. 69)

Test Ib

Uniform vs unimodal distribution with mean m = 0: males


R = 0.433

< 0.0001


Test IIa

Symmetrical distribution around 0: females

Wilcoxon signed-rank test

W+ = 0.747


[55] (pp. 80–81)

Test IIb

Symmetrical distribution around 0: males


W+ = 0.154



Test IIIa

Goodness-of-fit for von Mises distribution: females

Watson's U2

U2 = 0.115



Test IIIb

Goodness-of-fit for von Mises distribution: males


U2 = 0.070



Test IVa

von Mises mean m = 0: females

Unnamed specific test

E n = -0.182


[55] (pp. 93–94)

Test IVb

von Mises mean m = 0: males


E n = -0.782



Test V

Equality of von Mises concentrations K i between sexes

Fisher f r ; p value estimated by permutation test

f r = 3.861


[55] (pp. 131–132)

  1. * Original and complementary references can be found there.
  2. † [55] (p. 84) presents a mistake.