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Figure 4 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 4

From: Exploring the evolution of protein function in Archaea

Figure 4

Connections between archaeal functions via the sequence profiles of elementary functional loops. (a) Clusters of arCOGs. Circular nodes represent arCOGs. The size of the node represents the number of lineages where arCOG is present. The core arCOGs are colored red, shell - blue, and arCOGs involved in methanogenesis pathway - green. Sequence profiles of the elementary functional loops are represented as orange diamonds in the graph. The edges between the diamonds and the circles represent profile-arCOG matches. The selected clusters of arCOGs are labeled according to their common biological functions: (1) class I aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, (2) structural repeats, (3) transcription regulators, (4) class II tRNA synthetases, (5) helicases, (6) methylases, (7) ABC transporters, (8) binding of heavy metals.

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