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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Molecules and fossils reveal punctuated diversification in Caribbean “faviid” corals

Figure 1

Phylogenetic tree and photographs of species of the Caribbean Faviidae. Tree based on a partitioned analysis of individual genotypes at the CaM, MaSC-1, and Pax-C loci. Terminal taxa are individuals of each species. Letters after sample names indicate coarse geographic sampling information (F = Florida, P = Panama, S = St. Croix). Further sampling and genotype information can be found in Additional file 3. Trees shown were created using Bayesian methods in MrBayes v3.1. Maximum likelihood trees created in RaxML yielded a similar topology. Posterior probabilities (>95%) and bootstrap support (>75%) (Bayesian/ML) are indicated for each node. Dashes indicate nodes unsupported in an analysis. Several deeper nodes in the tree indicated by asterisks were poorly supported in this analysis (* = 72/68, ** = 76/60). Photographs of each species show morphological diversity within this clade. All Diploria and Colpophyllia species are reef-building, while Favia and Manicina species are also free-living. (Photo credit: Dr. Charles and Anne Sheppard,

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