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Table 3 Models fitted to the allometry between horn length and pronotum width of male Onthophagus taurus

From: Maternal effects on male weaponry: female dung beetles produce major sons with longer horns when they perceive higher population density




Formula and parameters

Sigmoidal Richards’ growth function

- 983.889


Y ( x ) = A [ 1 + v × e x p ( 1 + v ) × e x p ( μ ( 1 + v ) 1 + 1 / v × ( λ - × ) / A ) ] ( - 1 / v )

A (asymptote) = 0.70836

μ (maximum slope) = 18.52390

λ (lag-phase) = 0.75852

v (shape parameter) 2.70687

Sigmoidal Weibull growth function

- 981.318


Y ( x ) = A - D r o p × e x p ( - e x p ( l r c ) × x pwr )

A (asymptote) = 0. 700975

Drop (asymptote minus y intercept) = 0. 684813

lrc (ln rate constant) = 13. 622203

pwr (power x is raised to) = 55. 655926

Four-parameter logistic

- 981.127


Y ( x ) = l A + ( μ A - l A ) / ( 1 + e x p ( ( x m i d - × ) / s c a l ) )

lA (lower asymptote) = 0. 0447065

uA (upper asymptote) = 0. 7220289

xmid (x value for inflection point) = 0. 7787523

scal (scale parameter) = 0. 0091249

Three-parameter logistic

- 977.034


Y ( x ) = A / 1 + e x p ( ( x m i d - x ) / s c a l )

A (asymptote) = 0.7306256

xmid (x value for inflection point) = 0.7774247

scal (scale parameter) = 0.0102605


- 721.143


Y x = a + b x

a (intercept) = −6.3043

b (slope) = 8.6193

  1. Male offspring were pooled across females from all experimental treatments. The best model is in bold and the remaining models are sorted below by increasing values of AIC.