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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: A bacterial genome in transition - an exceptional enrichment of IS elements but lack of evidence for recent transposition in the symbiont Amoebophilus asiaticus

Figure 2

Transcription of IS elements during intracellular growth of A. asiaticus 5a2 in its Acanthamoeba host. Transcription of 13 selected A. asiaticus IS elements was analyzed with reverse transcriptase PCR. Whole RNA from the Acanthamoeba host harboring A. asiaticus was transcribed into cDNA and subsequently used for PCR. (A) Reverse transcriptase PCR reactions. Lanes 1: cDNA; lanes 2: positive control, genomic DNA purified from amoebae containing A. asiaticus; lanes 3: negative control, no nucleic acids added. (B) PCR using 16S rRNA gene-specific primers was used to control for the absence of DNA in the RNA preparation. Lane 4: positive control, genomic DNA; lane 5: RNA; lane 6: negative control, no nucleic acids added. m: molecular size marker. Reverse transcriptase-PCR reactions were performed in three biological independent replicates.

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