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Figure 2 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 2

From: Expression breadth and expression abundance behave differently in correlations with evolutionary rates

Figure 2

Negative correlation between evolutionary rates and expression parameters. All the data were grouped into 191 bins, with each bin containing 50 different genes. The data points are the averages of each bin. Each tau was generated from Kendall's rank correlation tests between EB and Ka, p = 2.35e-48 (A), between EA and Ka, p = 2.18e-05 (B), between EB and Ks, p = 6.36e-28 (C), and between EA and Ks, p = 0.49 (D). The lines in each graph were estimated by linear regression analysis. As described in the main text, the correlation between EB and rates (indicated by Ka or Ks) seems to be stronger than that between EA and rates (indicated by Ka or Ks). It is important to note that there is no statistical significance in the correlation between EA and Ks.

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