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Figure 1 | BMC Evolutionary Biology

Figure 1

From: Comparative genomics reveals conservative evolution of the xylem transcriptome in vascular plants

Figure 1

Comparisons of conifer xylem unigenes with genes in other species. Xylem unigenes of radiata pine, loblolly pine and white spruce were blasted using blastn (A) and blastx (or tblastx) (B) against xylem unigenes, gene indices, gene models or scaffolds of other plant species. Percentage of hits is presented on the Y-axis at three E-value cut-offs (0, 1e-50 and 1e-5). Eleven databases used for blasts are presented on the X-axis, including pine (PGI) (1) and spruce gene indices (SGI) (2), loblolly pine (3), white spruce (4) and poplar (5) xylem unigenes, Eucalyptus scaffolds (7), and gene models of poplar (6), Arabidopsis (8), rice (9), Selaginella (10) and moss (11), respectively. These databases include four plant groups: conifers (1-4), angiosperms (woody 5-7 and herbaceous 8-9), Selaginella (10) and the non-vascular plant, moss (11).

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